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OTI has a Staff Development Department that can work with you to turn your company around from hardly breaking even to maximum profitability no matter what kind of services you are providing. The staff…
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Our Service Coordinators/ Case Managers provide the day-to-day coordination for families and children. Duties may include reviewing clinical reports, meeting with family members and consumers to assess their…
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We have a Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist who is capable of assisting you in your Nutritional needs. We also specialize in Lactation Counseling for new mothers. Our Nutritional counselor assists with recommended and prescribed dietary adjustments, evaluates…
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This service focuses on short-term assistance provided to children/youth, regardless of disability (developmental, physical and/or behavioral), because of the absence of or need for relief of the child or the child’s family caregiver. Such services can be provided in a planned mode or delivered in a crisis situation. Respite workers…
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Caregiver/Family Supports and Services enhance the child/youth’s ability, regardless of disability (developmental, physical, and/or behavioral), to function as part of a caregiver/family unit and enhance the caregiver/family’s ability to care for the…
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Independent Living Skills Training Services (ILST) are individually designed to improve or maintain the ability of the waiver participant to live as independently as possible in the community. ILST assists in recovering skills that have decreased as a result of onset of disability.
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OTI has a Staff Development Department that can work with you to turn your company around from hardly breaking even to maximum profitability no matter what kind of services you are providing. The staff development team at OTI has the answer. The team is knowledgeable about common mistakes that companies or organizations make thinking they’re trying to save to expedite growth whereas they lose big chunk of human, material and financial resources in the long run. [push h=”20″]
Consider these common mistakes that companies and organizations make frequently:
Hiring new employees on resumes: As a matter of policy, the Department of Human Resources usually has standardized expectations of potential candidates for hire. Usually these expectations submitted in resumes by candidates who usually put their best foot forward in order to secure the job. Hiring candidates based on their resume is not our style at OTI.
The interview process: A trained interviewer wanting to dig out innovative records of a potential candidate may not ask the candidate to itemize the most recent ideas and innovations he/she has successfully brought to his/her previous job. A trained interviewer has other ways of posing the question to reach the candidate’s revelation of his/her honest talents. OTI team is specialist in this.
Other crucial areas that companies or organizations need to cover must be done at this hiring point; for example: (a) Behavioral inquiries about adaptability (b) Decision making (c) Planning and organizing (d) work standards (e) Building Strategic Relationships (f) Building Trust etc… These are some areas OTI does not take for granted while seeking skillful, talented and innovative candidates for hire.
Another common area companies and organizations make grave mistakes is in the employee appraisal system. We at OTI believe that this is the “make or break” when it comes to employees’ morale, productivity, satisfaction, disgruntled attitude towards assignments, employee retention or turnovers etc . Companies and organizations that reward mediocrity and sanction hard work is heading to a big fall. OTI has the resources to bring this idea live to the management team in your company so there can be no mistake in the proper use of appraisal to bring about employees’ satisfaction and a zeal to work honestly for your company.
The staff development team at OTI will help set up a viable appraisal system in your company that will guarantee optimum productivity from your employees and establish reliable and fair promotion practices from the management team.
Other areas of incentives for employees that the OTI team highlights are job security, employee safety on the job, insurance coverage, salaries and benefits, retirement plan, 401k/s, bonuses etc. OTI is a powerhouse in bringing these innovations to your companies and organizations. [push h=”20″]
Our Service Coordinators/ Case Managers provide the day-to-day coordination for families and children. Duties may include reviewing clinical reports, meeting with family members and consumers to assess their strengths and needs, and together develop a plan for service. Our Service Coordinators/ Case Managers will collaborate with existing behavioral health providers, and other community and local service resources, traditional and non-traditional, to assist the family in implementing the service plan. We are fully trained in various areas such as NHTD/TBI (Nursing Home Transition and Diversion/ Traumatic Brain Injury), Medicaid Eligibility, OPWDD, and more. You have the questions we have the answers. We are trained to assist the families that we work with in all areas of need. Whether it is Food Stamp Assistance, HRA, Public Assistance, Medicaid Applications, Fair Hearing Services (as needed), Housing Assistance, or even simple guidance, we will work with you. [push h=”20″]
We have a Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist who is capable of assisting you in your Nutritional needs. We also specialize in Lactation Counseling for new mothers. Our Nutritional counselor assists with recommended and prescribed dietary adjustments, evaluates nutritional needs, recommends food restrictions, and assists with establishing food habits and eating plans. Our Nutritionist is experienced with the WIC program and can assist in such areas as needed.
This service focuses on short-term assistance provided to children/youth, regardless of disability (developmental, physical and/or behavioral), because of the absence of or need for relief of the child or the child’s family caregiver. Such services can be provided in a planned mode or delivered in a crisis situation. Respite workers supervise the child/youth and engage the child/youth in activities that support his/her and/ or primary caregiver/family’s constructive interests and abilities. Respite providers offer services with a level of expertise in understanding and implementing behavioral/developmental interventions required to support optimal functioning for children/youth. Respite providers regularly communicate the details of the child/youth’s intervention plan so that there is a carryover of skill from the respite source to the caregivers and treatment providers. Service Components Planned Planned Respite services provide planned short-term relief for the child or family/primary caregivers to enhance the family/primary caregiver’s ability to support the child/youth’s functional, developmental, behavioral health, and/or health care needs. The service is direct care for the child/youth by individuals trained to support the child/youth’s needs. This support may occur in short-term increments of time (usually during the day) or on an overnight or longer-term increment. Planned Respite activities support the POC goals and include providing supervision and activities that match the child/youth’s developmental stage and continue to maintain the child/youth health and safety
Caregiver/Family Supports and Services enhance the child/youth’s ability, regardless of disability (developmental, physical, and/or behavioral), to function as part of a caregiver/family unit and enhance the caregiver/family’s ability to care for the child/youth in the home and/or community. Family is broadly defined, and can include families created through birth, foster care, adoption, or a self-created unit. Note: this service is not the State Plan service of Family Peer Support Services which must be delivered by a certified/credentialed Family Peer with lived experience. Children’s Home and Community Based Services Provider Manual VERSION 2019-1 JULY 2019 PAGE | 15 Service Components Based upon the Caregiver/Family Supports and Services plan developed by the child/youth and caregiver/family team, this service provides opportunities to:
• Interact and engage with family/caregivers and children/youth to offer educational, advocacy, and support resources to develop family/caregivers’ ability to independently access community services and activities
• Maintain and encourage the caregivers’/families’ self-sufficiency in caring for the child/youth in the home and community
• Address needs and issues of relevance to the caregiver/family unit as the child/youth is supported in the home and community
• Educate and train the caregiver/family unit on available resources so that they might better support and advocate for the needs of the child and appropriately access needed services
• Provide guidance in the principles of children’s chronic condition or life threatening illness
Independent Living Skills Training Services (ILST) are individually designed to improve or maintain the ability of the waiver participant to live as independently as possible in the community. ILST assists in recovering skills that have decreased as a result of onset of disability. Also, ILST will primarily be targeted to those individuals with progressive illnesses to maintain essential skills. ILST may be provided in the waiver participant’s home and in the community. This service will primarily be provided on an individual basis; only in the unique situation where the waiver participant will receive greater benefit from other than a 1:1 situation, will a group method of providing service be approved.